Three years of political arrests: repression in figures
Since July 25, 2021, several politicians, lawyers, activists, artists, and journalists have faced summonses and arrests. Inkyfada has documented nearly one hundred cases.
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The Hidden Costs of Germany’s Nurse Shortage: Tunisian Migrants Caught Between Bureaucracy and Recruitment Scams
Germany’s need for foreign healthcare workers has led many Tunisians nurses to seek a future there, often facing a tangle of bureaucracy and unregulated recruitment agencies. Despite recent reforms to make things easier, the process remains complex and leaves many vulnerable to exploitation.
Tunisia's crackdown on African migrants — straight from the president
Arrests of migrants, camp destruction operations and searches of NGO premises: since the end of April, the anti-migrant policy has taken on an unprecedented scale.
At Teleperformance in Greece, Tunisians' conditions are hanging by a thread
Yahya, Sofiane, Rafik, Chayma, and many others have left Tunisia to take up jobs with the multinational Teleperformance in Greece, with the hopes of improving their living conditions and broadening their horizons. However, the strenuous nature of their tasks, their precarious contracts, and the restrictions relating to their status as non-European foreigners have proved highly disappointing. Investigation.
Law on associations: a bill that threatens civil society
A new bill aimed at reshaping Tunisia's associative landscape was presented to the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP) on October 10, 2023. Now, nearly two months later, the Head of Government has declared that a committee will be tasked with developing a draft law addressing the same issue. A number of associations and activists have expressed their concern about the repressive implications of this proposed legislation.
Algeria-Tunisia gas pipeline tramples on rights of Tunisian farmers
In Kasserine, farmers battle Sergaz, demanding fair compensation and development promises as the pipeline disrupts their lands. Tensions rise as commitments from Italy's ENI remain unmet. Demonstrations erupt, exposing a tale of corporate neglect and the enduring fight for landowner rights.
Investigating the Lucrative Visa Business: From Tunisia to Luxembourg
TLScontact, a subsidiary of the renowned Teleperformance Group, has established itself as a pivotal visa service provider for European destinations, leading to amplified fees for Tunisian applicants. In 2019 alone, TLScontact Tunisie generated remarkable profits exceeding the 8 million dinar mark. Before they reachTeleperformance, however, this revenue is routed to Luxembourg, known as a tax haven.
"Conspiracy Against State Security": Empty Files to Eliminate Opposition
The individuals under investigation in the so-called case of conspiracy against State security are facing serious charges under the 2015 counter-terrorism law and the Criminal Code, which could potentially lead to the death penalty. Inkyfada has delved into the investigation, uncovering the details of the case and the evidence that the investigating judges brought against the defendants.
Freezing Ben Ali and Mubarak’s assets: Many violations, few results
In France, the Ben Ali clan's asset freezes have been repeatedly violated. Like his Tunisian counterpart, the former Egyptian dictator Mubarak and his entourage have a large number of assets that were supposed to be blocked. Yet between 2011 and 2021, these freezes have been infringed about thirty times, which makes the effectiveness of these economic sanctions questionable.
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Living on less than 5 dinars a day, mapping the poverty rate in Tunisia Which are the most impoverished delegations in Tunisia? Which ones are the most affluent? Is there a correlation between poverty and access to infrastructure? To better understand the correlation, inkyfada has created an interactive map based on INS data.
The Stouchi section originates in the "Votre porte-monnaie au rayon X" of the French website Rue89.
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Marlies, 73, pensioner from Germany living in Djerba, 2950 dinars per month
When she was still living in Germany, Marlies could barely afford paying her bills and had to work a minijob to top up her pension. After nine years of struggling financially, she decided to move to Tunisia, hoping that this would improve her situation
Nadia 34, web editor and divorced mother, 2820 dinars per month
It's 6pm, and Nadia is navigating the traffic as fast as she can. She just finished work and picked her daughter up from school, but she has to hurry: two women are expecting her in an hour for a private English class. Between her work, her daughter and her other activities, her day to day life is not easy.
Mahmoud, 28 years old, petrol smuggler, 7200 dinars per month
Mahmoud* is 28 years old. The young man is not very tall but well-built and clean-cut, which comes in handy in his line of work: smuggling petrol.
Chedli, 51 years old, manager of a car parts shop, 17,000 dinars per month
The phone never stops ringing. To have a conversation with Chedli*, you have to be patient and accept that you will be interrupted every five minutes. Chedli, 51, is a car parts dealer in Tunis who runs three shops, including a wholesale outlet.
Three years of political arrests: repression in figures
Since July 25, 2021, several politicians, lawyers, activists, artists, and journalists have faced summonses and arrests. Inkyfada has documented nearly one hundred cases.
Featured files
July 25, Kaïs Saied seizing Full Powers
On July 25, 2021, the President of the Republic, Kaïs Saied, applied Article 80, dismissing the Head of Government, suspending all the activities of the National Assembly, and seizing full powers. What are the implications of such a decision? What are the possible consequences? Inkyfada has attempted to review the consequences and uncertainties that developed as a result of July 25.
Preferred Service Provider for Visa Applications to Multiple European Countries outsourcing this service, TLScontact has been continuously growing. Many Tunisians perceive the visa application procedure as a humiliation. In addition to these discriminatory practices, the company seems to employ a tax optimization scheme through Luxembourg.
25th of July review
Two years have gone by since July 25, 2021, when President Kaïs Saied took a decision that turned the entire country upside down, seizing all powers for himself. In this series, Inkyfada looks back at the political, social and economic aftermath of this coup, which has had repercussions on the construction of democracy, rights and freedoms, and civic space more generally, not to mention the management of an unprecedented economic crisis and a populist discourse that he has not stopped propagating over these two years.
All of the Pandora Papers investigations in Tunisia
More than 11.9 million documents leaked from offshore financial firms. This investigation, conducted by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in partnership with nearly 150 media outlets worldwide, including inkyfada, is the largest journalistic collaboration in history to date.
The societies we live in today are mostly governed by two main forces: the state and the market. However, beyond these two dominant concepts, there is another way to share and govern resources - the Commons. They are self-organized social systems, which emerge when communities dedicate themselves to sharing and managing wealth in fair and sustainable ways.
Economy and Finances
In the midst of an economic crisis that is becoming more and more severe, the country's public finance is at the heart of its concerns. Budgetary deadlocks are significant and negotiations with international funds, such as the IMF, are increasingly tense, while Tunisia is on the verge of a debt default.
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