Data Stories
Most read articles in Data Stories
Follow the evolution of how MP's positioned themselves in regards to Kaïs Saied's decisions
Parliamentary blocs and MPs have extensively positioned themselves in regards to Kaïs Saied's decision to apply Article 80 of the Constitution, and to suspend the proceedings of the Assembly. Some of these official positions have shifted considerably over the course of a few days. Inkyfada has been following the evolution. 
| 30 July 2021
Kais Saied: How the fear bias affects the opinions of Tunisians
Although Kais Saied has significant support since his election, economic issues and the suppression of criticism raise concerns. A recent survey reveals that half of Tunisians oppose his decision to suspend the Parliament, and 20% are hesitant to openly express their opposition. Dataviz.
| 27 October 2023
Building a democratic structure from the ground up: what is Kaïs Saïed's state plan?
On September 22, 2021, Kaïs Saïed published a presidential decree announcing that the President of the Republic was in charge of carrying out draft amendments related to political reforms, as part of the exceptional measures adopted on July 25, 2021. These infographics review Kaïs Saïed's state project and his vision for the political system, 
| 21 October 2021
The COVID-19 Epidemic in Tunisia, in Numbers
Number of infections and recoveries, death toll, number of intensive care beds available... One year after the beginning of the epidemic, where does Tunisia stand with regard to Covid-19? inkyfada has gathered a large amount of data on the health situation in the country. Using interactive maps and graphic charts, discover all the key figures of the evolution of the epidemic. Article updated regularly.
| 26 February 2021
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