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Getting a Schengen Visa, a humiliating journey
A large number of Tunisians express a sense of humiliation when going through the visa application process. Inconsistent appointments, endless paperwork and unexplained rejections are common. In this report, inkyfada has compiled accounts from several individuals who share a collective feeling of frustration and dissatisfaction with the unfair visa system.
| 22 June 2023
Living with HIV : The challenges of treatment
Stock-outs, inadequate treatment, the stigma by healthcare providers... The daily life of people living with HIV is not without its pitfalls, despite the availability of free treatment.
| 01 December 2021
Dairy sector: small farmers ever more vulnerable to lobbies
A large number of farmers are protesting against the dramatic increase in fodder prices, which have reached 300 dinars per ton. The protests reached most of the dairy basins during the week of May 6-14, 2022, until the Ministry of Commerce decided to freeze the price increases for livestock feed during the month of May.
Nightlife: a false sense of security for LGBTQIA+ people
In a country where homosexuality is considered a crime, how do LGBTQIA+ people manage to live life to the fullest? In the artistic and nightlife scene, some spaces claim to be - discreetly - open to the LGBTQIA+ community, giving them access to bars and theaters where they can be themselves. Even so, Anas, Imene, Nour, and many other patrons still feel unsafe.
| 14 March 2023
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