Borders and Migration

Confronted by the impenetrable wall of the European fortress, the migratory routes are causing more and more victims. Considered as a security threat, the matter of migration has become a priority in the framework of Euro-Mediterranean policies, often to the expense of the Southern countries.
Borders and Migration
Tunisia's crackdown on African migrants — straight from the president
| 17 May 2024 | 10 minutes
Arrests of migrants, camp destruction operations and searches of NGO premises: since the end of April, the anti-migrant policy has taken on an unprecedented scale.
Borders and Migration
“Perpetuating Apartheid”: Sub-Saharan Africans in Sfax hunted down, attacked and forcibly deported
| 09 July 2023 | 20 minutes
"Sfax bears witness to a crime against humanity". In the heart of the city, hundreds of Sub-Saharan Africans have been left to fend for themselves, after having been evicted from their homes and even assaulted. Many others have been driven into the desert in extremely inhumane conditions, amid the applause of local residents.
Borders and Migration
Visa outsourcing: States dance in the shadows of the private sector
| 24 June 2023 | 20 minutes
When it comes to applying for a visa to Europe, service providers such as TLScontact have become an essential part of the process. Supposed to facilitate the application process, this kind of outsourcing to private companies actually creates a distance between the applicant and the company, absolves states of their responsibility, and puts profit above all else. An analysis.
Borders and Migration Tax injustices
Investigating the Lucrative Visa Business: From Tunisia to Luxembourg
| 23 June 2023 | 15 minutes
TLScontact, a subsidiary of the renowned Teleperformance Group, has established itself as a pivotal visa service provider for European destinations, leading to amplified fees for Tunisian applicants. In 2019 alone, TLScontact Tunisie generated remarkable profits exceeding the 8 million dinar mark. Before they reachTeleperformance, however, this revenue  is  routed to Luxembourg, known as a tax haven.
Borders and Migration
Getting a Schengen Visa, a humiliating journey
| 22 June 2023 | 20 minutes
A large number of Tunisians express a sense of humiliation when going through the visa application process. Inconsistent appointments, endless paperwork and unexplained rejections are common. In this report, inkyfada has compiled accounts from several individuals who share a collective feeling of frustration and dissatisfaction with the unfair visa system.
Borders and Migration
Transporters between Tunisia and Europe : a risky but growing business
| 12 April 2023 | 10 minutes
Many private transporters move goods of all kinds between Tunisia and Europe. Most of them, however, operate illegally and risk being arrested by customs. This profitable business has developed thanks to the thousands of Tunisians who rely on it, despite the absence of any protection against fraud and scams. 
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