Tunisia's crackdown on African migrants — straight from the president
| 17 May 2024 | 10 minutes
Arrests of migrants, camp destruction operations and searches of NGO premises: since the end of April, the anti-migrant policy has taken on an unprecedented scale.
At Teleperformance in Greece, Tunisians' conditions are hanging by a thread
| 27 February 2024 | 15 minutes
 Yahya, Sofiane, Rafik, Chayma, and many others have left Tunisia to take up jobs with the multinational Teleperformance in Greece, with the hopes of improving their living conditions and broadening their horizons. However, the strenuous nature of their tasks, their precarious contracts, and the restrictions relating to their status as non-European foreigners have proved highly disappointing. Investigation.
Law on associations: a bill that threatens civil society
| 13 December 2023 | 10 minutes
A new bill aimed at reshaping Tunisia's associative landscape was presented to the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP) on October 10, 2023. Now, nearly two months later, the Head of Government has declared that a committee will be tasked with developing a draft law addressing the same issue. A number of associations and activists have expressed their concern about the repressive implications of this proposed legislation.
Algeria-Tunisia gas pipeline tramples on rights of Tunisian farmers
| 01 December 2023 | 15 minutes
In Kasserine, farmers battle Sergaz, demanding fair compensation and development promises as the pipeline disrupts their lands. Tensions rise as commitments from Italy's ENI remain unmet. Demonstrations erupt, exposing a tale of corporate neglect and the enduring fight for landowner rights.
Marine pollution, a Tunisian scourge: Jeans industries destroy the marine ecosystem in the Ksibet El-Mediouni Bay
| 03 November 2023 | 15 minutes
The Made in Tunisia clothes industry for the European market consumes large amounts of water and pollutes Tunisia’s coastline. In Ksibet El Mediouni, the population is paying the price of the environmental cost of fast fashion. 
Kais Saied: How the fear bias affects the opinions of Tunisians
| 27 October 2023 | 10 minutes
Although Kais Saied has significant support since his election, economic issues and the suppression of criticism raise concerns. A recent survey reveals that half of Tunisians oppose his decision to suspend the Parliament, and 20% are hesitant to openly express their opposition. Dataviz.
In France, "supporting Palestine makes us terrorists"
| 26 October 2023 | 7 minutes
Over the past few days, Western pro-Israel policies - France's in particular - have caused a stir in every corner of the globe. By choosing to exploit the conflict and ban pro-Palestine demonstrations, French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin stands at the forefront of a policy that not only jeopardizes the fundamental right to protest, but also affects foreigners, who are now feeling unsafe as he threatens to deport them.
Tunisia-Palestine: a strong, yet limited support
| 24 October 2023 | 10 minutes
Tunisia has always been a passionate supporter of the Palestinian cause, whether through its international stance or its unwillingness to normalize relations with Israel. Since the war broke out on October 7, there has been a remarkable surge of solidarity. But, for Palestinians living in Tunisia, this support has its limits. Explained.
Palestine: the fight for information
| 19 October 2023 | 15 minutes
Since the beginning of Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip, journalists on the ground have been on the front lines, and many of them have already lost their lives. Meanwhile, the media machine in the rest of the world has gone wild, with even the most prominent media outlets spreading fake news. The crisis has given rise to a real battle for information.
Hunger strike: opposition fights to ensure "prisoners' cause wouldn't be forgotten"
| 16 October 2023 | 10 minutes
From his prison cell, opposition politician Jawher Ben Mbarek went on a two-week hunger strike to protest against his imprisonment. Many political figures, from the Islamic bloc to the democratic left, gradually followed suit. Although his strike was suspended after he was hospitalized, it still made its mark on the opposition, which has been increasingly critical of Kais Saied's rule.
Tunisia under scrutiny from the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights
| 22 September 2023 | 10 minutes
A few months ago, the families and loved ones of Tunisian political prisoners took their case to the African Court to challenge their detention and the criminal proceedings brought against them. But, it was exactly a year ago that the Court issued a ruling ordering Tunisia to "return to constitutional democracy". So where does that leave Tunisia today? Inkyfada takes a closer look.
"Every shift is like hell": seasonal workers in tourism industry
| 27 August 2023 | 10 minutes
Good food, beaches, bars, fun. This is what summer looks like for many tourists coming to Tunisia to spend their holidays here. But the season, seen from the perspective of seasonal workers, takes on a very different look. In total contrast with the picture postcard scenery, the summer season for people employed in the tourism sector implies long, tiring, and poorly-paid shifts behind the scenes. 
In Tunisia, environmental activists on trial
| 18 August 2023 | 7 minutes
 In recent months, environmental activists have been prosecuted and silenced, and grassroots movements have suffered the most. Amid a broader attack on civil rights and liberties, inkyfada takes stock of the obstacles facing environmental activists. Against the backdrop of the worsening climate crisis, they are urgently needed. Yet, increasingly, they are under threat.
Kais Saied: A sinking economy plagued by inflation and shortages
| 28 July 2023 | 10 minutes
Tunisian consumers are struggling to survive, grappling with shortages and inflation. Essential products like sugar, semolina, rice or flour are absent from the market, while inflation continues to soar. Having declared himself the nation's savior on July 25, 2021, Kais Saied vowed to save Tunisians from hunger. Two years later, what has  he actually accomplished?
Kais Saied: jeopardizing rights and freedom
| 27 July 2023 | 20 minutes
Two years after Kais Saied's state of exception, all democratic gains seem to be at risk. Despite the President's promise to safeguard rights and freedoms, Tunisia has clearly taken a downward spiral over the past two years. Between arbitrary arrests, insecurity towards civil society and threats to freedom of expression, inkyfada takes a closer at the facts.
Under Kais Saied's shadow : the vanishing independence of the judiciary
| 26 July 2023 | 15 minutes
In his electoral campaign, Kais Saied had vowed to uphold the independence of the judiciary and limit its interference with political power. But once he had seized full power on July 25, 2021, the Head of State embarked on a journey to gradually erode the autonomy of the Tunisian judiciary, employing a series of incremental measures.
Kais Saied: When the promise of reform leads to a democratic crisis
| 25 July 2023 | 15 minutes
Two years ago, Kais Saied took full command of the country, asserting his authority through a series of decrees that granted him unrestricted powers. In a bold move, he declared himself the sole legislator, picking and choosing the areas of State intervention as he saw fit, with no oversight or accountability from any official authority. The sheer number of decrees he has passed, spanning a wide range of issues, sheds light on the President's priorities, as he drags Tunisia into an ever-deepening democratic crisis.
Free voices silenced by Decree 54 in Tunisia
| 18 July 2023 | 15 minutes
Is there a threat to freedom of expression in Tunisia? Arrests, social network surveillance, arbitrary decrees... inkyfada takes a look at the current state of freedom of expression, almost a year after the adoption of a Decree unanimously described as "draconian".
“Perpetuating Apartheid”: Sub-Saharan Africans in Sfax hunted down, attacked and forcibly deported
| 09 July 2023 | 20 minutes
"Sfax bears witness to a crime against humanity". In the heart of the city, hundreds of Sub-Saharan Africans have been left to fend for themselves, after having been evicted from their homes and even assaulted. Many others have been driven into the desert in extremely inhumane conditions, amid the applause of local residents.
Visa outsourcing: States dance in the shadows of the private sector
| 24 June 2023 | 20 minutes
When it comes to applying for a visa to Europe, service providers such as TLScontact have become an essential part of the process. Supposed to facilitate the application process, this kind of outsourcing to private companies actually creates a distance between the applicant and the company, absolves states of their responsibility, and puts profit above all else. An analysis.
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