

Andek Swi3a?

Our stories with depression

13 March 2024

How has depression tested our strength and will, transforming our vision of life? What prejudices have we deconstructed and how do we perceive the complexity of this illness? In what ways have solitude and introspection led us to rethink our relationships and our being? How have we experienced the link between spirituality and managing depression, and what has been the influence of our environment on our journey towards healing?


Andek Swi3a?

Navigating COVID times

06 March 2024

How has COVID redefined our lives, exposing vulnerabilities and resilience? What deep introspections and redefinitions of connections have Ameni and Emna experienced? How has the pandemic reshaped our perception of time, priorities, and our sense of community?


Andek Swi3a?

Female Friendships

28 February 2024

What role do female friendships play in our development after the age of 20? How do these bonds strengthen our resilience and shape our vision of sorority? What do we learn from these deep and authentic connections?


Andek Swi3a?

Beyond 20s, Into 30s

21 February 2024

How did the experiences lived during our twenties shape our perspectives and aspirations for our thirties? What lessons can be drawn from this transformative decade, and how do these lessons influence our vision of the years to come? In what ways does our transition to our thirties mark a new introspection and a reassessment of our expectations in the face of reality?


Andek Swi3a?

The healing journey

14 February 2024

Is there a single concept of healing, or are there multiple definitions? How does each individual's experience in their journey of healing from old and new wounds differ? How can Emna and Ameni's personal experiences shed light on the different paths of healing?


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