Number of deaths caused by police violence, since 2011

Numerous Tunisians have lost their lives as a result of excessive police violence.

Virtually none of these victims have had access to a fair trial. Instead, evidence and testimonies are lost in the intricate web of the judicial system. Most of these cases have yet to pass the preliminary research or investigation stage, reflecting a recurring pattern of impunity.

In this article, inkyfada attempts to identify cases of police violence in which Tunisians have lost their lives, without those responsible being held accountable.

The content of this list is not conclusive and will be periodically updated. Inkyfada is continuously developing this interactive content, with the aim of providing an exhaustive list of police violence that has led to the death of the victims.

0 Victims of oppression
Deaths at the hands of the police, since 2011

The impunity of law enforcement officials has persisted over the past decade. Excessive abuse of power is particularly common, and the resulting physical, moral and sexual violence sometimes leads to murder.

Hundreds of complaints have been filed against the police for human rights violations and use of torture. Tunisian and international human rights organisations have issued several reports and statements condemning the slow judicial processing in cases involving police violence, particularly in those resulting in deaths. Activists and social movements have consistently called for accountability and an end to police impunity.

“The overwhelming majority of investigations of members of the security forces hardly ever make it past the investigative judge phase and have not led to successful prosecutions of perpetrators. Yet the Tunisian government has shown a lack of political will to push through real reforms to improve police conduct and tactics, or to ensure judicial oversight and accountability. This has only served to shield perpetrators from prosecution and entrench impunity leading to persisting violations.”

Amnesty International Public Statement, 2019

However, the political change that the country has undergone from the constituent period to the adoption of the 2014 constitution, and up to the decisions of July 25, 2021, has not contributed to addressing or combating this persistent phenomenon. Instead, these practices have become increasingly immune since the creation of the police unions, which use all available and illegal means of pressure to interfere in legal proceedings involving police officers who have been accused of violations or excessive use of force.

Police pursuits on highways, torture in detention centres, excessive use of force to disperse demonstrations and secure football stadiums, or raids related to common law cases... These are all circumstances in which dozens of citizens have died at the hands of the police officers with complete impunity.

This journalistic content was produced in partnership with the Tunisian League for Human Rights based on the complaint files they have received since 2011, and by referring to various sources of media reports, official statements, press articles and testimonies.

Type of aggression











Call for contributions

Through this project, inkyfada seeks to record all police violations that have resulted in deaths since 2011. If you have additional information about published cases or police killings, you can contribute to the database by sending an email to

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