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Through combining explanatory and contextualising articles with data journalism, portraits, as well as investigative and in-depth reporting, inkyfada aims to provide accessibility to parts of society that too often remain hidden from the general public, contributing to a better understanding of the world around us.
At a time when access to factual and honest content is more crucial than ever, we believe that it is essential for everyone to provide transparent, quality journalism - a principle we have maintained since inkyfada's establishment.
Our journalism is editorially independent, which means that we set our own agenda. No external party influences our content or directs our editorial line, giving us the independence that is essential for us to be able to challenge authorities and hold them accountable.
However, this independence cannot be fully achieved without your support. Join our community and let us build a new journalistic model together, one that is based on the direct connection and continuous dialogue between you as our readers, and us as a media outlet.