
Behind the Walls of the Interior

January 14, 2011. Malek is on Habib Bourguiba Avenue but has no idea of what's happening on the ground. He has been imprisoned for days in the Ministry of Interior holding cells. Malek, a young student and opponent of the Ben Ali regime, describes the cellars of the Ministry, the police violence and the notion of losing time.
14 September 2020
series [{"role":"Directing","user_id":"1429,1473"},{"role":"Editorial Support","user_id":"1303"},{"user_id":"1425","role":"Recording"},{"user_id":"1473","role":"Editing, Sound Design & Mixing"},{"user_id":"1429","role":"Voice over"},{"user_id":"1410","role":"Subtitles"},{"user_id":"1363","role":"Illustration"}] https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/tu-etais-ou-le-14-janvier-ep-9-geoles-de-l-interieur.mp3 https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/tu-etais-ou-le-14-janvier-ep-9-geoles-de-l-interieur-AR.txt https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/tu-etais-ou-le-14-janvier-ep-9-geoles-de-l-interieur.srt https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/tu-etais-ou-le-14-janvier-ep-9-geoles-de-l-interieur-en.srt Tu étais où le 14 janvier ? | Épisode 9: Dans les geôles de l'Intérieur - وين كنت نهار 14 جانفي؟ | الحلقة 9: في زنازين الدّاخليّة Épisode 9: Dans les geôles de l'Intérieur - الحلقة 9: في زنازين الدّاخليّة 14 janvier 2011. Malek est sur l’avenue Habib Bourguiba mais n’a aucune idée de ce qui s’y passe. Il est enfermé depuis quelques jours dans les geôles du ministère de l’Intérieur. Le jeune étudiant, opposant au régime de Ben Ali, a passé huit jours entre le sous-sol et le 3ème étage. Malek décrit les caves du ministère, la violence policière et la notion du temps qui se perd.   14جانفي 2011. يتواجد مالك في شارع الحبيب بورقيبة دون أدنى فكرة عمّا يحدث. قضّى الطّالب 8 أيام مسجونا في زنازين وزارة الداخليّة ما بين الأقبية والطابق الثّالث، حيث تُجرى الاستنطاقات ويُمارس التّعذيب. يصف مالك زنازين الدّاخليّة وعنف البوليس وفقدانه لمفهوم الوقت. يروي أيضا تخبّط الشرطة ومواجهات وانفجارات شهدها في مبنى الوزارة. يوم 18 جانفي، أُطلق سراحه ليكتشف بلدا مختلفاً عمّا عهده من قبل. 41502
Created by
Inkyfada Podcast
Bochra Triki, Oussema Gaidi
Editorial Support
Monia Ben Hamadi
Hazar Abidi
Editing, Sound Design & Mixing
Oussema Gaidi
Voice over
Bochra Triki
Yasmin Houamed
Marwen Ben Mustapha

On January 14, 2011, Malek had already been locked up for a few days in the Ministry of the Interior for having led demonstrations in Cité Ettadhamen. He had no idea about the revolution that was taking place just outside.

For 8 days, Malek was subjected to violence and torture by the police, and still suffers from permanent repercussions to this day. Between the basement and the third floor, he was interrogated for hours, hooded and chained.

The police were trying to gather evidence against him so that they could have him imprisoned for "organising ademonstration". The young student had already psychologically prepared himself for persecution and imprisonment.

As he was cut off from the world, he naturally wondered: would he be transferred to a prison? Would the army take control and resort to using weapons?

Ben Ali's departure did not even cross Malek’s mind, and he only heard about it when upon his release on the 18th. It was not until that day that he heard the word "revolution".

When he left, he was met by an unrecognisable country: the streets were ruled by the people, the RCD (Ben Ali's former political party) was dissolved... 

For two years, Malek avoided the area of the Ministry of the Interior because of his severe trauma. Even today, he never lets his gaze wander to the third and fourth floors of the building.

A few years later, he even ran into one of his torturers in a bar. Malek recalls it all.

Where were you on January 14th ?

Throughout the year leading up to the tenth anniversary of the revolution, Inkyfada looks back on the events of January 14, 2011 in Tunis. Through the personal accounts of individuals on the ground, an alternative documentation of contemporary history is formed: one that is based on several different perspectives.

Latest episodes

In Lina's Footsteps | Special Episode

January 14, 2020. Lina Ben Mhenni's health condition is deteriorating. Lina passed away only a few days later on January 27, 2020. In this podcast episode, Lina's friends share their accounts of her, telling us about her activism before and after January 14, her health struggles, and lasting impressions of her. An episode that pieces together fragments of contemporary Tunisian history, through the accounts of Lina.

A Bullet Straight to the Heart

Throughout the previous episodes, the arrival of Helmi’s funeral procession on Avenue Habib Bourguiba often resurfaces. Ten years later, the circumstances of his death remain unclear. The testimonies of his relatives, interspersed with excerpts from previous episodes, make it possible to reconstruct part of the story: that of a young man and a dictator with interlinked destinies.

A Child's Gaze

January 14th, 2011. Saïf, 12, goes with his* mother to the Avenue. Until the following morning, he would experience things that would mark him for life. Saïf's account of January 14th adds new insight from a child’s perspective. With a great deal of self-distance, ease and tenderness, Saïf recounts his strained yet tender relationship with a mother who ultimately taught him the true meaning of the word "freedom".


Inkyfada Podcast is the first platform entirely dedicated to original Tunisian podcasts, and was conceived by Inkyfada media in collaboration with the in-house research and development laboratory, InkyLab.
Inkyfada joined the global podcast boom in 2017, when the team produced the first Tunisian audio documentary, diving deep into the belly of the El Kamour struggle taking place in the desert.
Since then, Inkyfada Podcast has produced a wide variety of documentaries, investigations, and podcast series, as well as articles accompanied by music; covering a multitude of contemporary issues in order to offer an immersive and alternative podcast experience.
Whilst exclusively offering audio content, the Inkyfada Podcast team upholds the same core values and principles of inkyfada.com, and is committed to producing high quality content though a dynamic and meticulous production process.
In addition to the permanent team, Inkyfada podcast works closely with various journalists, artists, illustrators, musicians and other content creators in order to diversify the platform and support artistic creativity.
These podcasts differ from traditional radiophonic content in that the applied production and editing process is more akin to cinematographic techniques, in addition to being web-based, downloadable and accessible on demand.
Additionally, Inkyfada Podcast uniquely offers subtitles in French, Arabic and English for all audio content, the majority of which is recorded in Tunisian or in the preferred language of the speaker in question.

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