
Hamrouni and Aziz, The Faces of Sex Work

Hamrouni* and Aziz* practice the same profession, without having the same rights. She works legally, while his work is clandestine. From their police interactions to the dirty looks from local residents, their daily lives look nothing alike.
02 March 2020
inkystories [{"user_id":"1364","role":"Article and Voice Acting"},{"user_id":"1429","role":"Sound"},{"user_id":"1472","role":"Editing and mixing"},{"user_id":"1517","role":"Musique"},{"user_id":"1363","role":"Illustration"}] https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Hamrouni-Aziz-travail-sexe-portrait-podcast.mp3 https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Inkystories-Hamrouni-et-Aziz-Hortense-SRT-AR.srt https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Inkystories-Hamrouni-et-Aziz-Hortense-SRT-FR.srt https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Inkystories-Hamrouni-et-Aziz-Hortense-SRT-EN.srt Hamrouni et Aziz, visages de travailleuse et travailleur du sexe - حمروني وعزيز، ملامح عاملة وعامل بالجنس Hamrouni et Aziz, visages de travailleuse et travailleur du sexe - حمروني وعزيز، ملامح عاملة وعامل بالجنس Hamrouni* et Aziz* exercent le même métier sans avoir les mêmes droits. Elle est travailleuse du sexe légale tandis qu’il travaille clandestinement. Entre leurs rapports à la police ou le simple regard des riverains, leurs quotidiens ne se ressemblent en rien. Reportage sonore. تشترك حمروني امتهان العمل نفسه مع عزيز، دون أن يتمتعا بذات الحقوق. تعمل حمروني بالجنس المقنن أما عزيز فيعمل خارج إطار القانون. تختلف علاقة كلّ منهما مع الأمن، حتى نظرات الناس إلى كلّ منهما لا تحمل أيّ قاسم مشترك. مقال صوتي 36406
Created by
Bochra Triki
Article and Voice Acting
Hortense Lac
Bochra Triki
Editing and mixing
Yassine Kawana
Omar Aloulou
Marwen Ben Mustapha

[This article is read in French, in its original version].

Aziz offers his services in the evening: on the streets, in cafés or even in parks. The clandestine sex worker needs to remain discreet so as not to attract the attention of the police, while still remaining accessible to potential clients. Conversely, it is in broad daylight, in a dead-end street of the Tunis medina, and in full view of passers-by, that Hamrouni practices her work. Shielded only by a door, Abdallah Guech remains a hotbed for sex work that is regulated by the state. For almost nine years now, Hamrouni has been offering her services in this very dead-end street.

Before she started as a sex worker, Hamrouni, a mother of three, sold lighters on the street to support her family. One day, she learned that one of her daughters, addicted to injecting drugs, had contracted HIV.

Between the medication and care, her expenses multiplied, and Hamrouni could no longer provide for her family. Without knowing anyone, she decides to knock on the door of Abdallah Guech to get a job and add to her income.

Unlike Hamrouni, Aziz got in to the field of sex work by chance. When he was around 13-14 years old, his path crossed that of a foreign man. He recalls the man offering to come and " play doctor" with him. The teenager accepts to go with him, not having properly understood the implications.

Shortly afterwards, the young man began to charge for sexual favors, and quickly became dependent on the money and gifts that his partners provided.

*The names have been modified to respect anonymity.


Inkyfada Podcast is the first platform entirely dedicated to original Tunisian podcasts, and was conceived by Inkyfada media in collaboration with the in-house research and development laboratory, InkyLab.
Inkyfada joined the global podcast boom in 2017, when the team produced the first Tunisian audio documentary, diving deep into the belly of the El Kamour struggle taking place in the desert.
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