

“Dick Pics”, an expression of dominant masculinity

In this fourth episode of "Borjouliya", we delve into the motivations and purposes behind "dick pics," which are unsolicited photos of male genitals. We examine the link between these practices and hegemonic masculinity, as well as the values associated with them. The context explored encompasses dimensions of power, sociocultural influences, and psychological aspects.
20 June 2023
series [{"role":"Editing & Mixing","user_id":"1473"},{"role":"Music","user_id":"2941"},{"user_id":"2939","role":"Illustration"},{"role":"Editorial Support & Production","user_id":"1540"}] https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Podcast-Borjouliya-S03-Ep4-Harcèlement-et-masculinité-dominante-le-phénomène-des-Dick-Pics.mp3 Borjouliya | Épisode 4 : Harcèlement et masculinité dominante : le phénomène des “Dick Pics” - برجوليّة | الحلقة 4: القضيب الرقمي والذكورة المهيمنة Épisode 4 : Harcèlement et masculinité dominante : le phénomène des “Dick Pics” - الحلقة 4: القضيب الرقمي والذكورة المهيمنة
Dans ce quatrième épisode du podcast "Borjouliya", nous explorons les motivations et les objectifs des "dick pics", ces photos non sollicitées d'organes sexuels masculins. Nous examinons le lien entre ces pratiques et la masculinité hégémonique, ainsi que les valeurs qui y sont associées. Le contexte abordé englobe les dimensions de pouvoir, socioculturelles et psychologiques.

صور القضيب غير المرغوب فيها، ما هي معانيها؟ دوافعها؟ غاياتها؟ تدرس هذه الحلقة الرابعة كل ذلك في علاقة بالرجولة المهيمنة وقيمها ومن وجهة نظر شاملة تجمع بين الأبعاد السلطوية، الثقافية-الاجتماعية، والنفسية.
Created by
Malek Rhouma
Editing & Mixing
Oussema Gaidi
Parlyz Heal
Malek Rhouma
Editorial Support & Production
Rym Amami

Social media has acquired an essential place in our daily lives. They have become the privileged space for public debates, exchanges, and information dissemination. Power dynamics that govern our reality have also extended to this virtual space, often manifesting through unwanted photos of the male genitals, commonly known as "dick pics."

Dick pics are a recent form of sexual harassment, where an individual sends, often without the recipient's consent, an image of their genitals. This practice is primarily directed against women, thereby highlighting the patriarchal structures that underlie such behaviors.

In the fourth episode of this podcast, we analyze how unwanted penis photos contribute to male domination efforts aimed at intimidating and subjugating women to patriarchal supremacy. We also examine the vulnerability of this masculinity, constantly seeking validation and recognition, which completely disregards women's true sexual desires.

Who are these men who send unsolicited photos of their genitals? What are their motivations? And how does society encourage such practices?

In this episode, we also explore the sociocultural and psychological dimensions in which "dick pics" are situated, drawing on testimonials from men and women who have chosen to share their experiences.

*The voices of some of the participants have been modified for anonymity purposes.

Here is a list of the bibliographic sources used in this episode of "Borjouliya":

  • Stanko, E.A.. (1985). Intimate intrusions: Women’s experience of male violence. London, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Balon, R. (2016). Exhibitionistic disorder. In: Balon R. (ed) Practical guide to paraphilic disorders. (pp. 77-91). New York, NY: Springer.
  • American Psychological Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5 (5th edition). Arlington, VA: American Psychological Association.
    • Rikke Amundsen (2021) ‘A male dominance kind of vibe’: Approaching unsolicited dick pics as sexism. New Media & Society 23(6): 1465–1480. University of Cambridge, UK.
    • Handyside S and Ringrose J (2017) Snapchat memory and youth digital sexual cultures: mediated temporality, duration and affect. Journal of Gender Studies 26(3): 347–360.
    • Calder-Dawe O (2015) The choreography of everyday sexism: reworking sexism in interaction. New Formations: A Journal of Culture/Theory/Politics 86: 89–105.
    • Langton R (1993) Speech acts and unspeakable acts. Philosophy & Public Affairs 22(4): 293–330.
    • Salter M (2016) Privates in the online public: sex(ting) and reputation on social media. New Media & Society 18(11): 2723–2739.

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    "Borjouliya" is a Tunisian podcast that aims to deconstruct the concept of traditional masculinity in order to create a more appropriate and inclusive vision. It challenges common norms of masculinity and highlights the various dominant forms it takes in our daily lives.This third season of "Borjouliya" is a series of discussions bringing together life experiences, expert opinions, and specialists from various fields, addressing men's mental health, fatherhood beyond masculine stereotypes, the male body, cyberbullying, and transmasculinity.

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    Inkyfada Podcast is the first platform entirely dedicated to original Tunisian podcasts, and was conceived by Inkyfada media in collaboration with the in-house research and development laboratory, InkyLab.
    Inkyfada joined the global podcast boom in 2017, when the team produced the first Tunisian audio documentary, diving deep into the belly of the El Kamour struggle taking place in the desert.
    Since then, Inkyfada Podcast has produced a wide variety of documentaries, investigations, and podcast series, as well as articles accompanied by music; covering a multitude of contemporary issues in order to offer an immersive and alternative podcast experience.
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