

Challenges of the Commons : Resisting the System and Reinventing the Future

In this second episode, we broaden our perspective to examine the commons by shedding light on innovative initiatives and projects that seek to preserve and grow the commons while facontemporary challenges.
19 May 2023
series [{"user_id":"1473","role":"Mixing & Sound Design"},{"user_id":"1363","role":"Illustration"}] https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Les-Communs-Episode-2-Defis-des-Communs-Resister-au-Systeme-et-Reinventer-lAvenir-.mp3 https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/SRT-Commons-ep-2-eng.srt Les Communs | Épisode 2 : Défis des Communs : Résister au Système et Réinventer l'Avenir - المشاعات | الحلقة 2: مقاومة السيستام وإعادة ابتكار المستقبل Épisode 2 : Défis des Communs : Résister au Système et Réinventer l'Avenir - الحلقة 2: مقاومة السيستام وإعادة ابتكار المستقبل
Dans ce deuxième épisode, nous élargissons notre perspective pour examiner les communs en mettant la lumière sur des initiatives et des projets novateurs qui cherchent à préserver et à développer les communs face aux défis contemporains. Nous abordons également les menaces auxquelles les communs sont confrontés dans le système économique actuel, dominé par l'organisation de l'État et la loi du marché.

في هذه الحلقة الثانية، نوسع منظورنا للتأمل في المشاعات من خلال تسليط الضوء على المبادرات والمشاريع المبتكرة التي تسعى إلى المحافظة على المشاعات وتطويرها في مواجهة التحديات المعاصرة. ونناقش أيضا التهديدات التي تواجه المشاعات داخل المنظومة الاقتصادية الحالية، والتي تقع تحت رحمة الدولة وقانون السوق.
Created by
Inkyfada Podcast
Mixing & Sound Design
Oussema Gaidi
Marwen Ben Mustapha

In this second episode, we explore the concept of the commons with expert Olfa Chebaane from the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

We will examine the commons and showcase innovative initiatives that are focused on preserving and developing them despite the challenges of our modern era.

Commons management goes beyond simple asset management and focuses on the relationships between commoners, adapting community structures and rules to resources and context.

Different examples, such as free software like Linux and peer production processes like Wikipedia, showcase the wide range of models for commons management. These examples highlight the diversity in approaches taken to manage and sustain commons resources.

Concrete experiences, such as the city of Bologna and an initiative of APEK association in Ksibet El Madiouni, demonstrate the importance of citizen participation in the management of commons. However, these initiatives can come into conflict with the established system and state institutions, raising the need to question the idea that only the state and the market can manage resources.

We also explore the role that the state should play as a regulator and guardian of commons norms to promote environmentally-respectful economic activity.

Finally, we identify the challenges for reinventing a future where commons play a central role and building a more just and balanced society through successful models that encourage citizen action and meet the needs of communities.

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The Commons

Communities create rules and negotiate fair and practical ways of allocating benefits, and devising rules to protect their common wealth. These processes of commoning are based on shared purpose and trust within a community.Inkyfada, in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation Tunis, has produced featured stories to shed light on commoning experiences in Tunisia. This podcast is part of the same partnership to promote this concept, including the book "Free, Fair and Alive" by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich serving as an additional avenue for understanding.

Latest episodes


Implementing the Commons: Interview with Safouane Azouzi

In this third and final episode on the commons, we take a look back at the Green Lecture, a conference dedicated to the commons that took place on May 24. We then look at the experience of Safouane Azouzi, a Tunisian researcher and designer, who looks at local commoning practices, their origins and how they are being reappropriated by society. Finally, we discuss the political and societal aspects of the commons, and how these practices can ultimately benefit local organizations.


Commons in Action: Building a Future of Sharing in Tunisia

"There is no Commons without Communing ". While the term the " Commons " is often read as a noun referring to things that can be shared such as the sea, the internet, or land it is actually much more helpful to understand the Commons as a verb. The Commons are a set of ongoing practices, not an inert physical resource.


Inkyfada Podcast is the first platform entirely dedicated to original Tunisian podcasts, and was conceived by Inkyfada media in collaboration with the in-house research and development laboratory, InkyLab.
Inkyfada joined the global podcast boom in 2017, when the team produced the first Tunisian audio documentary, diving deep into the belly of the El Kamour struggle taking place in the desert.
Since then, Inkyfada Podcast has produced a wide variety of documentaries, investigations, and podcast series, as well as articles accompanied by music; covering a multitude of contemporary issues in order to offer an immersive and alternative podcast experience.
Whilst exclusively offering audio content, the Inkyfada Podcast team upholds the same core values and principles of inkyfada.com, and is committed to producing high quality content though a dynamic and meticulous production process.
In addition to the permanent team, Inkyfada podcast works closely with various journalists, artists, illustrators, musicians and other content creators in order to diversify the platform and support artistic creativity.
These podcasts differ from traditional radiophonic content in that the applied production and editing process is more akin to cinematographic techniques, in addition to being web-based, downloadable and accessible on demand.
Additionally, Inkyfada Podcast uniquely offers subtitles in French, Arabic and English for all audio content, the majority of which is recorded in Tunisian or in the preferred language of the speaker in question.

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