


Machine learning and artificial intelligence are important allies when it comes to media production, but are they also becoming competitors? What are the technical and editorial initiatives of media organisations today?
28 October 2020
series [{"user_id":"1500","role":"Directing"},{"user_id":"1455","role":"Directed by"},{"user_id":"1513","role":"Montage"},{"user_id":"1363","role":"Illustration"}] https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Indymedia-Episode-8-Innovation.mp3 https://inkyfada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Indymedia-episode-8-innovation-fr.srt Indymedia | Épisode 8: Innovation - إندميديا | الحلقة 8: الابتكار Épisode 8: Innovation - الحلقة 8: الابتكار La machine et l'intelligence artificielle sont des alliées importants pour la production de supports média, mais ne seraient-elles pas en train de se transformer en concurrent·es? Quelles sont les initiatives techniques et éditoriales entreprises par certaines organisations médiatiques? بعد أن كانت الآلة وسيلة داعمة لإنتاج المواد الإعلاميّة، هل تصبح منافسًا؟ وما المبادرات التقنيّة والتحريريّة التي تخوضها بعض المؤسسّات الإعلاميّة؟ 43311
Created by
Inkyfada Podcast
Ridha Hariri
Directed by
Rana Daoud
Andhouni Hana
Marwen Ben Mustapha

In the eighth episode of Indymedia, Rana Daoud questions how artificial intelligence systems function in the media today. Will the automated systems that are being developed really be able to replace journalists? And how will media outlets harness this technological progress for more innovative content creation and management?

According to some of our guest contributors, artificial intelligence could indeed replace certain jobs and professions, but could possibly create a number of new job opportunities at the same time.

Meanwhile, Microsoft announced its intention to dispense with 50 content creators on their MSN site, to be replaced with automated systems that the company believes to be capable of performing the same tasks.

For example, the selection of news articles and the way they are published on the website could be automated. The media outlets and their employees are therefore increasingly forced to consider the future and what it will mean for their profession.

 Episode guests, in order of appearance:     

Harmoun Hamia, Editor-in-Chief at rehlamag.com.

Ramsey Tesdell, Co-Founder and Executive Director of  Sowt.

Samia Ayech, Journalism Trainer at Sayich.

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A podcasts series documenting the independent media scene* in the Arab world, a collaboration between Sowt and Inkyfada.

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Inkyfada Podcast is the first platform entirely dedicated to original Tunisian podcasts, and was conceived by Inkyfada media in collaboration with the in-house research and development laboratory, InkyLab.
Inkyfada joined the global podcast boom in 2017, when the team produced the first Tunisian audio documentary, diving deep into the belly of the El Kamour struggle taking place in the desert.
Since then, Inkyfada Podcast has produced a wide variety of documentaries, investigations, and podcast series, as well as articles accompanied by music; covering a multitude of contemporary issues in order to offer an immersive and alternative podcast experience.
Whilst exclusively offering audio content, the Inkyfada Podcast team upholds the same core values and principles of inkyfada.com, and is committed to producing high quality content though a dynamic and meticulous production process.
In addition to the permanent team, Inkyfada podcast works closely with various journalists, artists, illustrators, musicians and other content creators in order to diversify the platform and support artistic creativity.
These podcasts differ from traditional radiophonic content in that the applied production and editing process is more akin to cinematographic techniques, in addition to being web-based, downloadable and accessible on demand.
Additionally, Inkyfada Podcast uniquely offers subtitles in French, Arabic and English for all audio content, the majority of which is recorded in Tunisian or in the preferred language of the speaker in question.

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